Career Exploration
Career Development is for a life time:
- Develop an active approach to your career future.
- Conduct a self-assessment of your interests, skills, values, needs and personality. This will be the foundation for you to identify conditions and opportunities that will satisfy you. Reevaluate when necessary.
- Arm yourself with reliable career information. The more you know the more secure you will be.
- Learn good job-search skills. Build a network of contacts and prepare yourself for changes.
Cracking the Holland code and understanding
your personality style as it relates to careers.
Career Planning Resources
America's Career Information Network
Excellent resource for career information and decision-making. Includes national and state labor market data, industry info and occupation profiles.
Beauty Schools in Michigan -
Careers in Bioscience
Information about topics and careers in bioscience for students and teachers.
Careers in Broadcast Communications
The National Association of Broadcasters provides information, resources and contacts for careers in broadcast communications.
Careers in Construction
Find out about executive careers in construction at this site.
Career Key
Find help choosing a career and college major at this site.
Careers in Public Relations
The Public Relations Society of American provides information, resources and contacts for students interested in careers in public relations.
Careers in the Skilled Trades
Skilled Trades are careers that often require less schooling and debt than a four-year degree. With the skills you develop through professional trades careers, you can earn a great salary and benefits sooner than you imagined. Check this website from the State of Michigan for more information about opportunities. These jobs are in demand for fields like healthcare, information technology, advanced manufacturing, construction and automotive. Employers in Michigan are now seeking talent to fill these roles more than ever before!
Online occupational information system includes skills required for each job.
Council for Interior Design
Offers information on schools in the US and Canada with accredited programs. CID-accredited programs prepare students to meet the professional standards of the industry.
A tool to help explore life after high school including careers, colleges, financial aid and majors.
Engineering - A Guide for High School Girls
Discover if engineering is a career you'd love. Check out this website about engineering especially designed for high school girls.
Engineering, All about
What does it take to become an engineer?? All the information you need is right here.
Jobs Made Real
Website designed to help teens make decisions about career path. Features videos of people describing and engaged in doing their job; also provides statistical data on job forecast and career information in a fun and entertaining way.
Jung Typology Test
Based on Jung and Myers-Briggs theories of personality, this test will help you to identify your personality type and understand differences in people. The information can also be used to select activities and careers that are popular with your type.
Mapping Your Future
Look here for help planning a career, selecting and paying for school. Mapping is provided through agencies associated with the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP)
Oakland Community College Skilled trades overview
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Search for information on specific occupations. Job outlook, description, wages, education-level required, etc. are provided by the Bureau of Labor & Statistics.