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Research Databases

Gale High School in Context
Gale eBooks
EBSCO eBooks
Teen Health & Wellness
New York Times
Wall Street Journal
Opposing Viewpoints on Demand

Resources for Class Projects

Database Passwords

A library database is an online searchable collection of information. Library databases contain copyrighted, licensed, proprietary information that is not free -- but don't worry, because the bill has already been paid! A portion of your tax dollars are used to fund education and schools. Libraries buy subscriptions to databases so you can find research and information on a variety of topics.

To prove that you are a licensed user of these resources, you may be asked to provide a username and/or password.

Please note, students must be logged in to their Google account to gain access to the password document.


NoodleTools Research Platform

Cite your sources!  Take notes!  Organize your research!


Your NoodleTools login is connected to your Google account.  On the NoodleTools login page, click on the "G" for Google to connect to your account.

Additional Online Resources

Research & Writing Tips